Connecting the dots for families in need!

Colorado Special Needs Resource Center is dedicated to providing concise, detailed information on services provided to special needs citizens of Colorado.

Did you know?

Emma’s Journey

Our beginnings….

My daughter Emma is six years old and is non-verbal with severe autism. When she first began displaying signs of delayed development, I had no idea what to do or where to begin. She needed support beyond what I, as her mother, could provide. Information on how to move forward was available but it was hard to get all the information in one place that was clear and concise for steps to take in the application process. I would learn something here or hear about something there, but it was all over the place and hard to navigate. Through this experience I learned Colorado is one of the best states in the country to have services available to both adults and children with special needs.

Resources Available

Waivers available for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for Services & Supports through the state of COLORADO. Visit the State Website

Parent CNA Program

In Colorado, parents and or family members can become CNA’s and get paid to stay home and care for their loved ones. A Parent Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program for children with special needs can offer numerous benefits,


Therapies offered to children with special needs encompass a diverse range of interventions tailored to address their unique challenges and promote holistic development.

Service Animal

Service animals trained to assist children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can provide a range of benefits, contributing to the overall well-being and development of these children.

Adaptive Equipment

Adaptive equipment plays a crucial role in supporting children with special needs by promoting independence, enhancing mobility, and facilitating participation in various activities.

Medical Supplies and Equipment

Children with special needs often require specific medical equipment and supplies to address their unique health conditions and facilitate daily care.

Respite Care

Respite care for special needs children and adults is a vital service that provides temporary relief for caregivers while ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals with special needs.

We’re here to help you!